Pillars of Health

Pillars of Health

7 Pillars of Health Check-in

You’ll never know how far you have come if you never look back… that’s why we do regular check-ins to see how your health is tracking.

At Energize PT we base our weekly check-ins around our 7 Pillars of Health. This allows us to keep track of your progress and keep you accountable

Energy Levels

Your energy “drives your drive” so if you’re regularly  feeling flat your drive needs a tune up. Try to always focus on the positives from the week, then see what you can do next week to pull all of your goals and positives into alignment.

I want to know…

  • How do you generally feel throughout the day?
  • When does your energy usually crash?
  • What was the best part of your week?
  • What made you the most energized?

Gut Health & Digestion

Becoming in-tune with your own body is a great step in understanding your own individual health.

I want to know…

  • Are your bowels regular every day?
  • Have you noticed certain foods that affected your energy or digestion?

Meal Guide

Meal guides are a great stepping stone for putting your nutrition back on track.

I want to know…

  • What did you like/dislike about your Meal Guide?
  • Were there times of the day you were hungry more the others, or you found you would like to eat more of your calories?
  • Did you follow the Meal Guide 100% to the best of your ability?
  • The days you were off track, did you consciously make an effort to track in your head or use MyFitnessPal app?
  • If you didn’t follow at all, why not?

Sleep Quality

Sleep is a key component to fat loss and gaining muscle. Digital devices like a watch or Oura Ring are great for tracking your sleep.

I want to know…

  • What time did you go to sleep each day?
  • How did you feel when you woke up?

How Much Water

Your whole body needs water to function properly. Depletion of water affects stress, weight, energy and your overall health.

I want to know…

  • How many litres of water are you drinking daily?

Daily Step Count

Step count is one of the most powerful tools to fat loss, energy levels and overall coaching success as a big percentage of your results come from activity levels and nutrition.

I want to know…

  •  How many steps do you do daily?


Lifting weights and stimulating muscle mass is a key component to physical changes of fatloss and following your provided plan will get you to your goals faster and your dedication to the program will also determine to results you do or don’t get.

I want to know…

  • Are you following the training program provided?
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